"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." - Charlie Chaplin

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Now she can fly...

After almost 3 months languishing in joblessness (of which 2 months were spent on crutches nursing a broken ankle from our holiday), LY has been offered a job. She starts next week, with one of Malaysia's up and coming airlines, no less.

No, she's not about to become an air stewardess, but she WILL have to commute all the way to the LCCT (Low Cost Carrier Terminal), where the Air Asia headquarters is located. She'll be in the marketing department, and one of the perks include 6 free air tickets to any Air Asia destinations a year. YAY! YAY! HURRAY!

But of course, this is not the only reason why she's my best friend. *blinks innocently*

Looks like her bumming days are over.
And she's missing it already :)

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5 wandered by:

Blogger g33kchic said...

Congrats to LY! Even though I've never met her! Not that I'm asking for one of those free tickets, of course. *blinks innocently*

10:34 am  
Blogger itchyfeet said...

Thanks!! Congrats to you tooo!! ;)

Wow..suddenly...i can feel my friends lists growing n growing!HAHAHAHa!!

10:50 am  
Blogger Mint Chutney said...

Hi LY *waves*

I know Wandernut's oven is broken so she can't propoerly thank you. However, mine is working. *evil grin*

4:54 am  
Blogger Wandernut said...

Geek: *blinks even more innocently*

Itchy: My friends are your friends. Your friends are my friends lor! *blinks VERY innocently*

Mint: Hey! Even I'm yet to taste the goodies from your oven. When I get to Chicago, yes? :D

10:08 am  
Blogger itchyfeet said...

Hahhaahhahah...True True Wandernut!

Your Frens ARE MY frens too!

So hi all frens!!

Maybe we meet one day at LCCT at Coffee Bean?McD?

Or...since we are all frens ...n wif many ovens to share n blinks tat are oh so innoncent...maybe..just maybe..i could learn to tweek the system..n we all get rm1.00 AIR TIX!!
Then we can all say: NOW EVERYONE CAN FLY!!!



1:07 pm  

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