"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." - Charlie Chaplin

Monday, June 12, 2006

Another Meme: Top 10 Life's Simplest Pleasures

Haven't posted in two weeks.
Apart from sheer laziness, fatigue, PMS and a swollen eye (in that order), there was really nothing interesting to talk about. And I couldn't be arsed to comment on the ridiculous things that are happening in this country, let alone the world. So... bleh.

As penance for my (a)pathetic nature, here's a meme.
Tagged by none other than, the Geekchic.

My Top 10

1. A nice, long, warm shower after a long, tiring day. I'd say a soak in the tub, but I don't have a tub. I miss the one in my uni dorm.

2. Baking cakes/cookies and smelling the aromas.

3. Playing with my dog, and then have her lie down at my feet.

4. A good, long morning run. The type where your body curses you with every step. Followed by a nice, long, warm shower. And a hearty breakfast.

5. Errr.. a hearty breakfast.

6. Gourmet coffee (pronounced "gore-met" instead of "gore-may" just because we can) with a dessert and a laugh to share.

7. Snuggles on the couch while watching CSI on CSI Supreme Sunday.

8. Waking up really early and breathing in the crisp about-to-be-polluted air.

9. Steamboat or Bak Kut Teh on a cool rainy evening.

10. Falling asleep to the lullaby of sea waves and rustling leaves, sand between my toes.

Wanna do this? Consider yourself tagged.

Great, now I'm feeling hungry. Sigh.


2 wandered by:

Blogger ... said...

Not sure if I should take pleasure out of telling you this (but I am!)...

I'm on my semester break now, so guess what? I've been watching CSI....non-stop!

Ahhhh...life's simple pleasures... :)

5:06 am  
Blogger Spot said...

We should have a bloggers meet bbq.

left over take and make bakuteh.


But I say only. So lazy.

4:13 pm  

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