"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." - Charlie Chaplin

Monday, September 11, 2006

Whoa, where did the weekend go?

I spent 3 hours of Saturday morning at the gym. The longest time clocked in since... I can't remember. I went for a 45-minutes long RPM, followed by a long, brisk walk at the treadmill for 30mins (wanted to run but I didn't want to overdo it after being such a lardball for so long) and then I went for Body Pump.

Shites! After a few months of not joining a Body Pump class, I had become such a weakling! Last time, carrying the basic 2.5kg plates on both sides (=5kg) wasn't much of a problem. This time, I could really feel the weight. I went on with it anyway, and now every muscle in my body is still in pain after 2 days.

After a short rest, I went to Optimax for a follow up. They told me my eyes had healed well and that my not-so-sharp vision on my right eye was due to my slight astigmatism (which I had all along and the LASIK only fixed my short-sightedness). But it's quite mild and did not really affect my normal vision. Hmm. The optometrist did say the astig could go away and improve with time, so I'm hoping for that. Meanwhile, it's eye drops to keep them bright and healthy (even though they don't feel like they need it anymore).

Saturday night was SY's hen night.
Eight of us checked into the Ascott (wow, beautiful, beautiful place), chilled out, walked over to TGI Fridays for dinner and then back to the apartment for wine, cheese and girly chit-chat (about things that shall remain within the many walls of the apartment, hehe). We took polaroids throughout the night and next morning at breakfast and put together a little scrapbook for her.

It was such a lovely nite out with the girls. And AV did such great job of organising it, with rose petals, candles and chocolates strewn all over the place to boot! Now we're all looking forward to SY & HM's wedding about a month from now.

After we left the Ascott, I picked up my dad, aunt and uncle from the bus station. They went to Singapore to visit my cousin, and boy, did they come back with a boot load of goodies. I sent my ku mah and ku cheong back to Setapak, then dad and I rushed home to give the dog a bath while the sun was still up.

Then it was a mad dash to a gathering at CL's new condo. I barely had time to shower, let alone prepare something for the potluck. So I bought some cream puffs on the way. I was running at least an hour late!

OH. MY. GAWD. The condo was beautiful. The living area, kitchen and master bedroom offered views of a lush forest, the KL skyline and the Twin Towers. It also had a huge balcony with a nice wooden-decked terrace. Very, very nice. It really felt resort-like, in a quieter, greener part of town. The price tag was equally nice too, of course.

YL made a wonderful sheperd's pie, with sliced leek on top. And CL made this fantastic sangria with red wine, ginger beer and bits of cut fruit (I especially love the bits of canned pineapple which absorbed all the wine!). I was quite red and happy in no time. Mmmm.. am still thinking of that leeky sheperd's pie. The satay was great too. And we had lots of cake and dessert.

So we chilled out on the wooden deck. Their two schnauzers scurried around, fighting for our attention. The crickets and cicadas sung their songs. And as the sun went down, silhouttes of raintrees melted into the night. Very relaxing. We all lamented about having to go to work the next day.

But that's always the case on Sunday nights, isn't it?

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2 wandered by:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the female version of a bachelor party is a hen night, shouldn't the bachelor party be called a cock night? No naughty insinuation intended. Just a simple musing of one who's bored :P

2:27 pm  
Blogger Wandernut said...

Geek: No naughty insinuation? Dun bluff... I dun believe. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Haiyo... no need so shy shy laa...

And I agree it should be called a cock night. I don't see how 'stags' got into the picture.

3:05 pm  

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