"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." - Charlie Chaplin

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I'm talking about dumplings made of tissue paper and nasal discharge. They're everywhere. I should clear those away from my desk before my cube becomes ground zero for some biological warfare.

The past two weeks sucked in the health department.
First, a bad case of tonsilitis.
Followed by a bad bout of flu.

I notice the correlation between the lack of exercise and the deterioration of my health in the past few months. I really want to start running again. And I did start, on Sunday. Only to have this damn flu hit me the following day.

Work has kept me busy. And tired.
To the point where I could only do up to Chapter 6 (or was it 7?) of my Purpose Driven Life project in my other blog. At this rate, I'll never complete it in time for Easter anyway. So I'll just do it slowly over the next few weeks (or months). Don't want to rush through it just for the sake of completing it fast.

I've nothing interesting to post.
My brain is still in a hazy, pathetic mess.
So in the meantime, I'll leave you with another picture of Sunshine. I just got her a new collar. It's padded on the inside for more comfort. And I even sewed a little red bell on it.

Last but not least, this is a shout out to two birthday girls today (29 March) and a birthday boy.
- Mint Chutney, the lovely mamma from Evanston, Chicago.
- My dear, dear friend CN who lives just a few minutes away, but I don't seem to see her often enough.
- And WT, the best illustrator in town in my book.

YL's birthday was yesterday, but she's in Spain now on a 3-week holiday. Envy, envy. I'm so looking forward to her postcards.

*love, hugs and kisses from me, licks and tail wags from Sunshine*

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4 wandered by:

Blogger Spot said...

And I thought this post would be about what naughty hijinks you've been up to.

Kesiannya, hope all is better in the health dept for you...and poor boxie too.

5:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hope you feeling all better now, soh poh. Also hopefully your facial cheered you up a tad. How is sunshine and fleas? How in the world did she get cat fleas ah? She kawan cats ah?
Aiyerrr... Don't let Mandy know, she'd be utterly disgusted :)

7:56 am  
Blogger Spot said...

"she kawan cats ah"


i tell you, there is no substitute for Malaysian English when certain expressions need to be conveyed.

10:05 am  
Blogger Wandernut said...

Spot: HAHAHAHAHAHA... naughty hijinks? HAHAHAHAHA :) Much better now thanks! And no, Sunshine no "kawan cats" (AHAHHAHAAHAHAHA). When she sees them she looks at them nonchalantly.

Geek: How their fleas got on her, I have no idea! Must be the neighbour's cats. Fleas can jump very far wan! Stupid cat. Maybe dog blood tastier.

Marianne: YAY! Can't wait to see you! As for your sister's wedding, yikes! I have TWO weddings to attend in October. Hope they're not on the same day as your sister's!

11:50 am  

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