"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." - Charlie Chaplin

Monday, August 20, 2007

8 years, old friend...

Some of my fondest memories of 1999 in uni were the all-nighters I had to pull at the 24-hour computer lab (no computer of my own, you see :P). I would whip myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on multi-grain bread and wish I had a thermos flask I could carry hot coffee in. But I made do with a mineral water bottle and cold coffee. Ah, the life of a struggling student. Sometimes it'd be Tim Tams (dark chocolate, of course). At times, a tub of Ski yogurt (for 'fat' days).

Then I discovered this.
They kept me through many a cold night at the lab. And the best part about their foil bags? You could just fold and roll them down after you fish out a cookie. I finished them so quickly anyway. There was no time for them to go soft.

Unlike how I could finish a tray of Tim Tams in one sitting (doing the Aussie thing of nibbling both ends, sucking hot coffee with it and flipping the Tim Tam into my mouth before it disintegrates into a chocolatey mess), why, I could only finish a bag in two days. OK, sometimes less, if assignment deadlines were back to back.

They were not the most chocolatey cookies I knew. They were not the richest tasting melt-in-the-mouth cookies either. But I loved the crunch in every bite and the lovely aroma it gave out every time I opened the bag. It's also surprisingly not jelak, and was rather economical at AUD$3 for a 400g bag (at that time, at least).

It's been 8 years since I had any.
And dear SM recently reunited me with the cookie that saw me through thick and thin.

Er... more thick than thin, actually.
Thanks babe!

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8 wandered by:

Blogger ... said...

Ooh, you like that issit? Next time buy for you, kay?:D

3:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


erin, we shld share shipping and ship an entire package full of cookies and junk for the nut. and also schmakos for sunshine.

see them both pig out. HAHAHHAHAHA =)

8:33 pm  
Blogger Yue-li said...

yarmeee... nut was nice enough to share too!

12:27 pm  
Blogger lyn said...

Uni days...mmmmm....let me see. It can't be that long ago for me can it? After all everyone knows that I am only 28 ++

12:59 pm  
Blogger farked said...

happy to make u thick!

but it's still NOTHING compared to the 40% choc chip!!!

2:22 pm  
Blogger Wandernut said...

Rin & Geek: YAY!!!

Yules: Got some more on my desk. Come la :D

Aunty Lyn: And I'm only 18++. So technically I should still be in uni. Kekekekee....

Farked: The 40% choc chip cookie is SUPER YUMMY. But can't have more than one or two at one go laa... it's so rich! My thick tummy thanks you.

11:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After basically consuming the 40% chocolate chip cookies in under a day, I would like to thank SM for making my fatty fat dreams possible.

They were really Awesome Possum!!


5:10 pm  
Blogger Spot said...

I LOVE FARMBAKE!!!! There's an orange flavour too.


6:50 pm  

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