"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." - Charlie Chaplin

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Nothing to do but pray

Lina Joy lost her appeal again yesterday.

I don't understand it. The gomen is so hadap to become a developed nation, but simple human rights like the freedom to choose your own religion* (much less freedom of speech) cannot be given to her people. How lah like that!
*in Malaysia, all Malays by default, are Muslim

Her story (from The Star):

Lina, 42, was born Azlina Jailani to Malay parents. She was brought up as a Muslim but at the age of 36 became a Christian.

In 1999, she managed to change the name in her identity card to Lina Joy but the National Registration Department retained her religion in the card as Islam.

On April 23, 2001, the High Court refused to decide on her application to renounce Islam as her religion on grounds that the issue should be decided by the Syariah Court. It also dismissed her application for an order to direct the department to drop the word “Islam” from her identity card.

Her appeal was last rejected on Sept 19, 2005 at the Court of Appeal, in a majority decision.

She is extremely unhappy with the Federal Court judgment yesterday.

“I am disappointed that the Federal Court is not able to vindicate a simple but important fundamental right that exists in all persons; namely, the right to believe in the religion of one's choice and equally important, the right to marry a person of one's choice and to raise a family in the Malaysia context.

“The Federal Court has not only denied me that right but to all Malaysians who value fundamental freedoms,” she told The Star, through her solicitor Benjamin Dawson.

“I am hoping that my case would have made a difference to the development of constitutional issues in the plight of many others.”

We can only pray and hope she doesn't give up.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


Like I'd said. It was a religion she was born into. Not one she chose with a free will.

There was a part of me which still harbored hope that for once (JUST ONE BLOODY TIME) the government would the right thing but it's asking a little too much, from the looks of it.

It's all too easy to wipe their hands clean of it. "Not our problem, back to the shariah courts you go."

12:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a good and bad view about this that came to mind. If it went the other way.

Good part being the fact that freedom to choose one's religion would be a reality in this land of ours.People would be able to acknowledge that as individuals, we would be able to choose our religions, not subjecting a person to any by a throw of a dice.

Bad thing being the repercussions of such a decision. Anti-pork protesters would rally together and exclaim that their flock must stay together and that the decision should be reversed. They would claim that harsh punishments should be carried out on apostates, and even worse, the people they are sure converted/snatched them.

Other issues will also arise. WIll a christian malay be a bumiputera/puteri? Was it based on my race or religion? (since they always come together).

RELA raids cannot be held anymore because even if they see a malay holding hands with a non-malay, or by gosh!..going at it like rabbits in a hotel room somewhere, it's not against the law if he/she isn't a muslim, right?

How about malays eating during puasa? How about the NEP? It is now targeted at Malays..but what if these malays are not Muslim anymore? Does it still count? Will they have to restructure an entire plan? And the most important thing on a lot of people's minds. What does this do to the vote count?

Wow..a whole of things could be set in motion by one decision. Are we ready for what MIGHT come?


2:24 pm  
Blogger eugene said...

all these thanks to politics based on racial divide (cue: unsheathing of the keris ala kerishamuddin). what might have been a good idea 50yrs ago need not apply now as it proves.

politicizing freedom of religion is one of the most absurd things to do, dangerous as well. best part is, all this is making the country move backwards lah. there's other bigger more important things to worry about that religion and race.

sigh... my country- apa jadi?

3:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eugene: Following the trend,eg. Anwar + Najib, KerisMan is gonna be climbing that ladder to second most powerful government official pretty soon.NO!!


3:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When was the last time anyone voted? Ever?

2:12 pm  

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