"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." - Charlie Chaplin

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Responsible Dog Ownership Day

It was Sunshine's day out in the park.
She got so excited the moment she saw me putting on my shoes and throwing her leash into the car. She knew she was going somewhere!

We hopped into the car with mom (Sunshine in front - I really should get her a doggy seatbelt!), then D and SM arrived and we were all on our way.

When we got there, the sun was quite high in the sky, but it wasn't scorching - yet. She went about her business sniffing butts and privates. Then we saw alot of Sunshines. Her Purina banners were everywhere. But Sunshine being Sunshine, she was absolutely oblivious to them. Of course, we had to take a picture.

We finally met Natasha, though Cleo wasn't there at that time. We met Sunshine's sister Happy and Chili, another labrador, as well as Tiny the Newfoundland. Her buddies Winston, Bessy and Dumdum weren't there though. She missed them dearly. Well, I missed them dearly.

It was a good turn out, and it's so wonderful to be able to take our dogs out to a park that's normally off limits to them. Of course, there were some idiots who took this for granted.

There were little signages in the grass reminding people to "Scoop The Poop". Common sense would tell you to scoop, then dispose of the poop into the many bins provided. But no... some people actually HUNG the bags of doggy poop ON the signages. Stupidity. Really. Stupid humans shouldn't breed. They should be neutered and spayed!

What's the point of good Canine citizen training when the humans are in greater need of manners themselves? Geez.

Anyway, we had a good time. Sunshine had a go at the filthy pond. Mom was quite impressed to see her swim. I, on the other hand got quite anxious when she (Sunshine, not my mom) decided to play with the rottweiler which was also swimming in the pond. Well, it's a very fine line between play and cari pasal when it comes to Sunshine. Hahaha! Good thing her greedy self agreed to come out of the pond when I held some treats and called her name. At least she's got her priorities right. How I love her...

Then she tried her paws at this:

It's the only thing she would agree to do, apart from the low hurdles. She was terrified of the long slim plank and would not go up. One of these days I'm going to sign her up for agility classes. Maybe next year lah!

*Photos courtesy of SM! Thanks! Arf!

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4 wandered by:

Anonymous Anonymous said...


arf arf arf. so pretty :D

4:34 pm  
Blogger Natasha Fernz said...

Hi Sunshine!!!

Boo... I didn't get to meet you... well err am not sure if I met you, cause Daddy brought me there later, and I met so many labs while I was there it was a bit confusing for me... esp since Daddy wouldn't even let me have proper introductions with everyone...

Much prefer it when Mommy takes me, but then she had to work at the RDO booth on the day. She says you're very pretty... like me :) You coming to my birthday party???


9:04 pm  
Blogger Lumos Maxima said...

aiyoh so piutifoo lah this golden log.

8:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooooh Sunshine, how I love you doggy paddle.

5:46 pm  

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